This type of wheat has baking properties which make it suitable as an ingredient in baked goods like cakes, pastries and cookies.
Grown in low temperatures and snow-covered regions. High protein content and is used for products like general purpose flour, flatbreads and cereals.
Hard red spring wheat is produced in hot, dry climates. Gluten characteristics make it a good choice for food like bagels, croissants and pizza.
Soft white wheat and softer than other types of wheat. Low in protein and gluten making it great for more exquisite pastries and cakes and Asian noodles.
Hard white wheat has slightly less protein and is less bitter than hard red wheat. It’s used in softer loaves such as pan loaves. White seed coat is desired for its colour..
Durum wheat wheat has more protein than any other type and is used to make pasta. It is the second most cultivated species of wheat